Brexit, and now? Scientists share their personal thoughts and stories

Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Of course, this vote is, as many are quick to point out, not legally binding and does not equal an instantaneous exit of the UK from Europe. If anything, an exit will take over two years. What the result reflects, however, is a current trend to oppose mobility, immigration, and an overarching body, the EU, that collects and re-distributes money.

Whatever the UK does with the Brexit vote in the end and however it will be implemented, it’s near certain that this will negatively affect science across borders, as for example the Guardian, Times Higher Education, and the Scientific American write. Continue reading Brexit, and now? Scientists share their personal thoughts and stories

How to apply for a (Marie Sklodowska-Curie) post doc grant?

Both of your favorite blog writers, that is Sho and me, Christina, are currently funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual (post doc) Fellowship by the European Research Council. Before that, we also applied, sometimes successfully, for other grants. You might ask how we did it, and we’re happy to share what we learned during the application process and from the feedback we received.

We’re focusing this post on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship in general, if you have specific question about the Intra European version or the Outgoing-Incoming funding scheme ask us for details. We’re both happy to help you out, and might add your questions to this hopefully dynamic and growing post.

Continue reading How to apply for a (Marie Sklodowska-Curie) post doc grant?

Bar Bar Hooray!! #barbarplots reached its funding goal

Our kickstarter project #barbarplots reached its funding goal and will thus become reality! In the 30-day campaign, 173 backers pledged a total of 3,479 Euro to send #barbarplots t-shirts to editors of major scientific journals. We are very excited and want to thank you for the tremendous support – not only by pledging, but also by spreading the word via email, Facebook, Twitter, and by wearing and carrying tote bags and t-shirts with the following meme around the world. Continue reading Bar Bar Hooray!! #barbarplots reached its funding goal