The Buffet Approach to Open Science

We have written about a few of the open science practices, some of which are becoming the norm, such as preregistration (and whether it prevents creativity). I’ve also been invited a few times to give classes and workshops to introduce various audiences to open science and how to implement the practices associated with the overall term (which covers so much more than changing our experimental and publishing habits, but that’s another blog post). Doing so means engaging with researchers from various disciplines, who conduct dramatically different types of studies, and approach science from a different angle than the prototypical theory-testing experimenter. The discussions around open science I had in these contexts have been extremely useful for me, and led me to promote what I call the “buffet approach” to open science. In short, I think it makes most sense to pick and choose those components and practices from open science that fit a specific project, career stage, personal skills, and institutional support.

To illustrate the buffet approach, I’ll use examples from my own research, but your own constraints will be different. I also need to preface this post by making clear that I was very lucky in working in very supportive environments (big shoutout to Alex Cristia and Caroline Rowland, who recognized the benefit and necessity of open science very early). With less support, adopting open science practices becomes much harder and makes it necessary to find your support community elsewhere (check out for example R-Ladies, ManyBabies, PSA, FORRT, …)

Buffet rule 1: You might not be able to try everything 

At a buffet, what you try also has to fit your diet – not all open science practices are even available for everyone, think preregistration for iterative theory building or data sharing for videos. To stick with the metaphor, some people are allergic to milk, so they will not try the yoghurt dressing with their salad. But balsamic is a good alternative.

So what if I can’t share my raw video data? Is data sharing completely out of the question then? I know we like simple distinctions (think significant vs non-significant) but open data, for example, comes in more shades than just black and white. Of course, it is possible to share everything from raw data, over derived data (in my own work for example I take video recordings, which I often cannot share. But I can share annotations, summary statistics, etc), to meta-data (data about the data: where were videos recorded, for what purpose, with what equipment, …). But it is also possible to keep some parts of this pipeline that contain sensitive information (here: the video, and names and personal information in the annotations) private and share the cleaned annotations only. This is exactly what the CHILDES database of child language has been doing since 1984, and it’s still a key resource in understanding language acquisition. This means, even the transcripts are incredibly useful for researchers when video or audio recordings are not necessarily shareable.

Hearing that you don’t have to go all in with data sharing can, in my experience, take a great burden off researchers’ shoulders. Especially when working with sensitive data, it is important to stress that open science does not have to mean access to everything for everyone. We also need to consider our participants’ rights and our obligation to behave ethically. 

I would say such gradedness exists for most open science practices. Think of preregistration: You can preregister before data collection (as I did here), or write a registered report. Both are (usually) quite different in their level of detail and commitment. Or you can preregister before data analysis (as done here). Or you preregister twice: both before data collection and before data analysis, for example when you need to amend something, because you realized you knew less about your data than you thought (like how many participants of a certain population you could get or whether children will make it through your wonderfully balanced but rather long experiment). We discuss the topic in more depth in this preregistration primer (open access version) your favorite bloggers co-wrote with the fantastic Naomi Havron.

Buffet rule 2: You don’t have to try everything at once

That’s basically the heart of the buffet approach: You eat what you like and feel like, but don’t have to go for everything that is on the table. So if for a specific project you want to share materials and data, but did not preregister (maybe because it will be an exploratory study or simply lacked time and resources), that’s already a great step forward. Open science practices are not all or none, you can pick and choose, match and mix, and do what’s most suitable to your career stage, project, lab, and level of support. 

I am thinking of trying too many things at once as a stuffing yourself: You don’t get to enjoy the benefits of single dishes, and it won’t feel good. I’ve made this mistake myself, both at buffets and with open science. For preregistration, this post shares what I learned during my first forays, which was a lot, because I made a lot of mistakes. I also do think that my past data sharing efforts could have been better, because I didn’t have the time to really think through what other researchers might find useful. This is because I tried to do too much at once with little support (which, by the way, has increased a lot in the past years, but still, sharing data is hard to do right, see the next rule…). 

This aspect of the buffet approach might be particularly useful for those that feel overwhelmed by the host of new things that seem to become the norm faster than you can read up on them. Just stick with what you know but try to sample one new dish (= practice) for every visit (= paper; thanks to the wonderful Elika Bergelson for that very practical suggestion). By picking one new practice and figuring it out instead of scrambling to hit a number of targets, it is much easier to do open science well.

Buffet rule 3: Label everything

For the graded, needs- and skills-based open science approach to work, we need documentation. Only this way, we can be transparent about the steps we did and did not take and our reasoning behind the decisions that led to the final product – usually a paper. Think of labels that list all ingredients for each dish, or at least whether it’s compatible with specific diets and/or allergies. Say you’re vegan, then you want to avoid the brioche, but you can go for the baguette. 

The need for documentation has two sides, one is institutional, and one is on the lab’s shoulders.

In open science, we need to know what each practice should entail for it to be useful and such guides do in my opinion at present not exist for most use cases. Funders, for example, mandate Data Management Plans and therein require that you follow field-specific standards. That’s just a bit circular, because you already have to know the standards (sometimes a question of having been at the right conference or knowing the right people), so it can become an in-group / out-group thing. Much better would for example be a link to known and reviewed field-specific standards. I know of BIDS for neuroscientific data and Psych-DS for behavioral human data, but who knows what other communities use? Should be cross-reference with Anthropology? And what about interdisciplinary research…? In short, I usually end up with more questions when reading guides to open science practices.

Now, what can we still do at the individual or lab-level? We do need to know exactly what we’ve done. An emerging focus on good documentation is probably the most useful thing coming out of many open science practices. Whether or not this documentation is formally preregistered, added to openly shared or privately (securely, I hope) archived materials and data, and/or available as commit history is for me secondary to the key change in our scientific habits, namely that we do not focus on the “end product” – i.e. a paper or thesis, but on the process. 

Documentation, like commenting code and describing data, does not necessarily have to be a lonely task. As a lab or community, it’s probably a good idea to develop standards or templates, not just for data but for all aspects of a study. As consequence, e.g. the same very nicely documented code runs on all data and can therefore be re-used with documentation and meta-data (because column names and content will also be the same). So we need to stop reinventing the wheel so much…

Looking at my own papers, I would say none of them is perfect. Some are great examples where I think the authorship team did a lot of things right, for example ManyBabies 1: Infant-directed Speech Preference. We preregistered, shared (derived and anonymized!!) data, scripts, and even Walkthrough videos to make the procedure more transparent. But even with so much effort, we still find gaps in our documentation (recently fixed: stimulus files were not all in the same folder for some reason).

But is the buffet approach the right way?

Some might think that allowing researchers to sample and take their time means we do not improve at all and questionable research practices such as HARKing, p-hacking, or even outright falsification to comply with current incentives will continue. I have three responses to this worry. First, incentives are (admittedly slowly) changing, as shown by this collection of job ads requiring open science statements, updated open science requirements by key funders such as the ERC, and the Recognition and Rewards initiative in the Netherlands. With a set of incentives being put in place, we ensure that moving towards changed practices will not grind to a halt just because not everyone jumps on board right away and with all they have. 

Second, one-size-fits-all approaches cannot work – basically ever (happy to hear your counterexample that is not breathing air…). For starters, as I mentioned before, not all researchers operate within a very specific theory-testing framework for which many practices were developed or generate the type of data that are easily shareable. Asking them to squeeze themselves into a mold might actually harm science, as diverse approaches are beneficial if we care about expanding knowledge. 

Third, new targets to manipulate (i.e. replacing citation counts and significant p-values with open science badges without any quality control) might make the situation even worse. Indeed, “open-washing” is a new term that refers to innocently or deliberately mimicking open science practices without increasing transparency.

For me, the goal of open science practices such as open data and preregistration is to keep ourselves honest. This does not mean that certain practices necessarily have to stop, e.g. data exploration, but any decision should be clear to everyone, not just the final outcome. Storing everything in the experimenter’s head is not very efficient, because let’s face it, even the experimenter is just human and will forget things or change the story in their mind. You’ll notice this when trying to dig up old data and figure out which of the many versions you might have saved were the ones you wrote the paper about. So, be nice to future you and start somewhere…

Image credit: Igor Ovsyannykov via, remixed with Open Science Badges retrieved from

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Repost – A scientist’s path to a non-academic job: Tips and tricks

Dr. Marlieke van Kesteren is a Neuroscientist with a pretty impressive CV. She discusses science and life on Twitter and in various blog posts. This one is particularly relevant looking at the academic job market, so Marlieke kindly allowed us to share it on this blog.

Continue reading Repost – A scientist’s path to a non-academic job: Tips and tricks

Screen, Baby  – Let’s Look at Evidence, not Trends

Joint post by Nawal Abboub, PhD, & Sho Tsuji, PhD

French version here

Who hasn’t heard that “Children under two years of age should absolutely not be exposed to screen media, no matter what!” – maybe accompanied by the reasoning that “Screens will hinder the development of children’s intelligence.”

Why does the topic of the effect of screens on young children, especially with regard to their brain development, evoke so much controversy and fear? And should we actually think of all types of screen media as equal? What can scientific research teach us? Continue reading Screen, Baby  – Let’s Look at Evidence, not Trends

Two Simple Recipes for Women in Science Events

Naomi Havron is a postdoc at the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique at Ecole Normale Supérieure.

She was recently interviewed for the departmental newsletter on her experiences as a woman and mother in science, and here’s a statement we found particularly on point:

Being a woman in science became difficult once I was a mom. Before, I believed that any inequality could be surmounted by working my ass off. But once I was a mom, I had to leave work early for my children. And I was judged differently from men. If it was me that was leaving early, that was judged as non-professional and proof I wasn’t invested enough in research. If it was a male colleague that was leaving for his children, he was complimented as being a devoted parent. (paraphrased and translated, see original French version here).

Naomi has been involved in organizing two amazing women-in-science events at our department recently, and we’re very excited she’s sharing her experiences and materials here with us.

Continue reading Two Simple Recipes for Women in Science Events

How to land a Postdoc position.

If you decide to do a postdoc, do everything you can to do it right from the get-go! Watch what Sho (Cogtales) and Franziska (Ph_Dial) have to say ❤

Franziska Hartung, PhD

Doing a postdoc can be a fantastic experience. In the last session of ACL, I talked with Sho Tsuji from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris who – just as me – is a very happy postdoc.

The most important thing is to find  lab in which you can grow and have a PI that will be a great mentor not only for now, but for the rest of your career. Do a careful screening of whom you want to work with and try to get to know them and people who worked with them (or still do!). Be open-minded and use your network to find out about labs, job search specifics or grant opportunities in individual countries, and personal recommendations.

You will get the most out of your postdoc if you know what you want to get out of it. Make this guide you to what kind of project or lab…

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Networking Part 2: Initiating conversation in person

In our last post, Christina talked about academic networking on social media, specifically Twitter. There’s a reason that was her post, not mine: Even though I’ve been following most of her advice and this has improved my Twitter experience, I still feel awkward and out of place on Twitter, and I can’t get myself to create an account under my own name (instead, I’m tweeting as @cogtalestweet).

So today, I’m talking about my cup of tea: Live, in person networking. Specifically, the focus is on how to initiate conversation.

Continue reading Networking Part 2: Initiating conversation in person

How to use Twitter for networking in academia

Within the span of two months, I’ve been asked to give essentially the same talk three times. The topic: how to network on Twitter (and other social media). How did this happen? Well, first a group of Parisian post docs organized a day-long workshop and apparently my tweeting is good enough to warrant inviting me back to my former home. Because I was invited, I took some care to prepare, and I think I did a decent job – decent enough, at least, to get some audience members to tweet about it and putting into practice what I just told them. Continue reading How to use Twitter for networking in academia

Building a network of women and nonbinary cognitive modelers

Here’s a (maybe not so well-kept) secret: I’ve got a PhD in modeling! No, not the posing kind, I constructed computational models of babies’ minds and behavior to better understand their early language acquisition. I learned a lot about cognition, babies, and data in that time. Next to that and two programming languages (Python and R) I also learned a bit about the modeling world. A key insight came to me after repeatedly trying to network with senior men and that being taken … the very wrong way. I must admit, I don’t know how much not being taken seriously as a modeler by some (no, not all) fellow modelers contributed to the fact that I took a step away from this field and am now an infant and a meta-science researcher most of the time. I am often thinking about what I’d recommend fellow women aspiring to a modeling career. So, at last, here’s the insight: build a support network of women modelers.* For those who watched a recent instalment of Academic Crisis Line, this might not be terribly earth shattering, but you have to realize that this is something that holds for your corner of science. I met a node in this support network soon thereafter, Olivia Guest, with whom I could talk forever about all those “fun” encounters. At some point, the idea to make a list of all fantastic, but probably vastly underappreciated women and nonbinary folks in modeling emerged, as she writes in her blog. There was some back and forth, questions about time investment, criteria, subcategories, so we effectively never got started, but such lists are super useful. For example, I suggested replacement speakers when asked to give a talk recently, and this list would have made my life much easier. So I am glad that Olivia turned to Twitter and simply asked others to make a list. The resulting thread is a goldmine. Continue reading Building a network of women and nonbinary cognitive modelers

How to review a manuscript for a journal

Franziska Hartung, PhD

Good reviews are supportive, constructive, thoughtful and fair. They identify both strengths and weaknesses alike and offer concrete suggestions for improvement. Good reviewers acknowledge their own biases and knowledge limitations and justify their conclusions.

Bad reviews are superficial, petty, and arrogant. Bad reviewers are very opinionated but typically don’t justify their biases. Their reports focus on weaknesses only but don’t offer solutions or other form of helpful feedback.

In today’s session, I walked you through the review process and told you how I write review reports:

Here you can find a template for the review report.

Additional ressources: offers a detailed step by step guide. offer additional advice and concrete examples of how to express criticism diplomatically. features a lot of personal strategies and experiences which are often different from what I do.

Where I stole the summary from (almost word by word):

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When authorship sails away – Stories of the intricacies of academic accreditation

Papers are the currency in academia, they seem to determine our whole career. So, naturally, we try to publish as much as we can, while at the same time trying to produce good science. But sometimes authorship can become tricky, with hard decisions and disappointment. We share author-hard-ship stories here that cover a range of experiences, from being undeservedly excluded over the impression of getting too much credit to our own case that we consider ambiguous to this day.* All stories illustrate one key advice: Talk about authorship as early as possible in a project. This includes defining who is responsible for what, and discussing who is the lead of this project.**
Continue reading When authorship sails away – Stories of the intricacies of academic accreditation